Monday, September 5, 2016

Beans:- Importance Of Beans To The Human Body

Beans are an inexpensive and easy-to-use source of protein that can be very versatile. Use them in salads, soups, stews, pasta, side dishes and dips, or puree them for use as a fat replacement in baked goods. They are nutrient dense and may help to prevent health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends women consume 1 1/2 cups of beans weekly and men consume 2 cups.


Although the exact nutritional composition of beans depends on the type you consume, beans contain an average of approximately 116 calories per 1/2-cup serving, along with 8 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber and almost no fat. Beans are good sources of fiber, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Their high fiber and protein content helps to fill you up so you eat fewer calories, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Heart Health

Beans have a number of characteristics that make them heart-healthy, according to an article published in 2002 in the "British Journal of Nutrition." They are low in fat and saturated fat, and contain soluble fiber and a number of phytochemicals, both of which help lower your cholesterol levels. The folate in beans is also beneficial, since it helps lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that may increase the risk of heart disease when found in high amounts in the blood.


Consuming more legumes may lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in January 2008 in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." Participants who consumed more beans were less likely to develop diabetes during the course of the study, perhaps due to the fiber and antioxidants contained in the beans or due to the low glycemic index of the beans compared to other carbohydrates. The glycemic index measures the effect of carbohydrate-containing foods on blood sugar, with foods low on the index causing blood sugar levels to rise the least.


A study published in "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention" in August 2000 found that men who consumed more legumes may be less likely to get prostate cancer. Eating more beans may help lower your risk for other types of cancer as well, due to the combination of fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and the fact that they are low in fat.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

10 reasons breakfast is a must

Is it an old wives tale, or is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? Perhaps your mother always made you eat hot lumpy porridge in the morning, so as soon as you escaped her clutches, you developed the coffee and cigarette habit in college, and ever since then breakfast was a bagel... at lunchtime.
But it’s actually true, breakfast can make or break a diet, because breakfast helps set the tone for the rest of the day. If you’re one of those people who think skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight... think again. Here are the top reasons why you should definitely eat breakfast, every day:
1. Break the fast. Ever think of what "breakfast" means? Your body responds to not eating for hours and hours by slowing down it's metabolic rate. By eating breakfast, you wake up your metabolism and get your engine humming, burning those calories you need to burn to lose weight.
2. Eat more, weigh less. Researchers have repeatedly shown that people who eat breakfast have a better chance of losing weight, and keeping it off. When you skip meals, you’re so hungry by lunchtime you'd eat an entire cow! Research carried out at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh has shown that eating breakfast cereal in the morning helps aid weight loss.
3. Are you interested in doing better at work and school? Don’t be a bed head... breakfast helps wake you up. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more alert and do better on tests than people who skip breakfast. Conversely, a hungry child can be apathetic, disinterested, and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks. Breakfast is the key." No doubt adults need breakfast as much as kids do.
4. Breakfast is your chance to eat the foods you may not eat the rest of the day. You can have whole-grain cereal and berries with non-fat milk - here is your fibre, folic acid and calcium in one easy-to-grab bowl. Low-carbers need to go very easy on grains, so opt for the highest-fibre brand you can find. However, why not indulge instead in the typical eggs and lean bacon breakfast most other eating plans frown upon?
5. Skipping breakfast makes you grouchy. Studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be in better moods (when I’m hungry - watch out!). Breakfast gets you started on the right track for the day. If you start out with a healthy breakfast, then you set the mood for lunch. You're more likely to choose something reasonable for lunch if you’ve paid some attention to your breakfast choices.
6. Cancel the Danish or sugared doughnut first thing in the morning - they cause a blood sugar dip a couple of hours later. You’ll be desperate for something to perk you up, and are more likely to grab another high-sugar refined carb, for a quick sugar rush.
7. Breakfast makes your machine run better. Get yourself on a schedule with a healthy breakfast, and you’re ready to take on the world.
8. If you’re a parent, set a good example. By skipping breakfast, your kids will think it’s not important. Breakfast doesn' have to be a big affair, but don’t wimp out... make it a habit, and your kids will be way ahead of the game too.
9. Don’t eat dessert for breakfast. If you think a cereal bar with 30 grams of sugar is a breakfast item, then think again. Some cereal bars contain nearly as much sugar and fat as a regular chocolate bar.
10. One more word about labels... if it says, "Nutritious," it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. Cereal manufacturers are experts in marketing, using words that send a message of health, but unless you read the labels, eat at your own risk. Kids’ cereals often have more sugar than sweets. Protect your kids from getting hooked on these cereals... they’ll get used to all the sugar, and will want only pre-sweetened cereals.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Health Benefits of Activated Charcoal

1. Rid Your Body of Toxins in Emergency Situations

According to a study published in the journal Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience, activated charcoal prevents the gastrointestinal absorption of a wide variety of drugs and toxins in emergency situations, and also increases their elimination even after they’ve been absorbed by the body. This includes an overdose of:
  • Pharmaceutical drugs such as acetaminophen or aspirin, opium, cocaine, and morphine
  • Toxins from pesticides (including DDT)
  • Mercury, lead, and other chemicals

2. Relieve Bites and Bee Stings

Mixing a poultice of activated charcoal with a bit of water and cornstarch or flax seed powder can help cure bee stings, poison ivy rashes, snake bites, spider bites (including highly poisoning bites from the Brown Recluse or Black Widow), and other poisoning bites.

3. Reduce Acne and Improve Skin Health

Because activated charcoal removes toxins, it can help reduce the instances of acne and other skin impurities you might suffer from. It also works wonders for completely removing makeup.
To use activated charcoal on your skin, mix one (or one-half) capsule of the powder into a teaspoon of aloe vera gel one teaspoon of water or rosewater, five drops of tea tree oil, and a pinch of sea salt. Mix these ingredients together until you have an even consistency. But be aware that this face mask is going to be black, and while it can stain your clothing and counter tops, it won’t stain your skin. Apply to your skin, let it dry, and then rinse off. Your skin will feel amazing.

4. Whiten Teeth

While you might not think that a black powder could actually whiten teeth, you’d be surprised – all you have to do is sprinkle charcoal onto a toothpaste laden toothbrush, and brush away.
Your mouth may look really bizarre when you brush with charcoal, but if you do this daily, you’ll notice a difference within a couple of weeks. Activated charcoal is odorless and tasteless, so aside from having temporarily black teeth, you won’t be able to tell you’ve got charcoal in your mouth.
Keep in mind that activated charcoal is a fine black powder. Although it won’t stain your skin, it can be messy to use, so keep a wet paper towel on hand for a quick clean-up in case you spill.
It’s also important to consider your teeth’s sensitivity. Any whitening agent can weaken your tooth enamel over time – this is true with commercial products, such as Crest Whitening Strips, and it’s true for activated charcoal. If you notice your teeth becoming more sensitive after using activated charcoal, cut down on brushing with it to just once or twice per week, or stop using it altogether.

5. Reduce or Eliminate Gas

Activated charcoal can be effective for reducing gas, especially after eating foods, such as beans that commonly create excess gas. It can also relieve an upset stomach or nausea. However, it is worth repeating that activated charcoal should only be taken occasionally to relieve these symptoms, and should not be used every day.

6. Body Detox

Since charcoal does such an amazing job ridding your body of toxins, some people also use it to rid their body of built-up toxins. The length of these cleanses can vary, but they often last a week or two.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Garlic is rich in minerals such as (calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron), and contains essential oils such as allicin, Alina and nitric substance. It also contains vitamins, so we consider it a natural antibiotic.

Some laboratory studies have shown that garlic has anti-tumor activity is therefore used in the fight against cancer.

Also, despite the many medicinal properties here are a few benefits of garlic:

– Is used for the breakdown of fats in the blood,
– Treated: atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, rheumatism, headaches, relieves anxiety, fatigue, bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma, tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, rabies, fever, malaria
– Performs the removal of toxins from the body,
– Helps detoxify the bowel
– Improves circulation and prevents thrombosis.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Wonders Of Bananas.

Bananas have many health benefits which help you in the fight against various diseases.

Depression:- Many people who suffer from depression experienced significant improvement after eating banana, according to a study conducted by MIND. Bananas are rich in tryptophan which is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps you relax, boost your mood and can help you overcome depression.

 PMS:- Bananasnas are rich source of vitamin B6 which has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and improve your mood.

Blood Pressure:-  Banana is high in potassium and low in sodium which is the perfect combination for healthy blood pressure. Therefore, US Food and Drug Administration has confirmed the fruit`s ability to lower blood pressure and protect from stroke.

Anemia:- Regular consumption of bananas can help you fight anemia due to its high iron levels. Iron stimulates the production of red blood cells and therefore it increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Heartburn:- Bananas have natural antacid properties which can help you with heartburn. Just one banana can instantly soothe your heartburn symptoms.

Morning Sickness:- Having a banana snack will maintain your blood sugars normal and will protect you from morning sickness.

Mosquito Bites:- Take the inside of a banana skin and rub it into the affected area. It will reduce swelling and irritation in just a few minutes.