Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Healthy Benefits Of Banana To Man

Bananas are rich in nutrients that help to nourish the body, such as vitamins (A, C, and B6), Minerals (Potassium, Magnesium, Folate, Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamine, and Iron), Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats and Fibers.

With its high nutritional contents, bananas have a number of extraordinary benefits when consumed, especially for men:-

1. Heart and Nerves
High potassium contents in bananas can nourish the heart and nervous system. It helps with muscle contraction. Therefore, bananas are good for the heart, digestive system, and other muscle movements. This is why bananas are recommended to be eaten before and after exercise.
Potassium also keeps the heart rate normal. Potassium and low sodium content keep the blood pressure low.

2. Kidney and Bone
High potassium content also contributes to healthy kidney function and bone development. This is because potassium retains loss of calcium through the urine, allowing the body to absorb more bone-building minerals.

3. Blood and Immune System
The high content of Vitamin B6 supplies blood hemoglobin and maintains healthy blood sugar levels by turning carbohydrates into glucose. It also helps the body to produce antibodies that are effectively used by the immune system to fight disease.

4. Mood Enhancer
Bananas contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin in the body. It keeps the moods positive, helps to fight depression.
When being stressed, the body consumes potassium quickly. Because one banana contains about 400 milligrams of potassium, eating one in a day can help you stay healthy during times of stress.

5. Weight
Fiber can help to maintain the bowel movements regularly, and banana   provide 12 percent of the fiber needed in a day. It also helps you to feel satiated longer after eating, reducing the possibility of overeating so that your body weight can be maintained.