Saturday, May 20, 2017

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Fruits into an Empty Stomach {Part B}

Let us continue from where we stop.

If you have not read the previous post, you can quickly do so before.
Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absorbs More Antioxidants
Empty stomach allows absorbtion process of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants more effectively.
Most fruits contains antioxidants called quercetin. Quercetin has been known to fight cancers. Antioxidants are also known to fight early aging process by fighting minor inflammations caused by free radicals. If we consume plenty of antioxidants, our body will look youthful, with healthy tight skin.

Weight Loss Treatment
Fruits contain fibers, which can make us feel full for longer time. Eating fruits 15 – 30 minutes before meal can make us feel full easily, so we can’t eat excessively. The longer full period helps avoid food cravings. The sugar contained in the fruits also help avoid sugar cravings in sugar-toothed people. And the soluble fibers bind with LDL (bad cholesterol), preventing it to be absorbed, so our body will not store excessive fats. The detoxification process will make the body cells work properly, and take the already stored fats as their source of energy. This can lead to weight loss

Prevent Serious Diseases
We know that obesity can lead to other disorders or diseases, so we better avoid being obese. Obese people also don’t look good, and they look unhealthy as well.

Promotes Healthy Lifestyle 
When we just wake up, our stomach is not ready yet to digest “heavy” foods, such as eggs, bacons, cheese and milk. These foods contain high protein, high fat and high calcium. Our stomach needs to prepare plenty of enzymes to digest those foods. Not to mention that some minerals in the fruits can bind with proteins from other foods,
making them more difficult to digest. That is why we can get burps, bloating, heartburn, or other stomach discomforts. We can even get diarrhea if we drink plenty of milk in the morning

Credit to Dr. HealthBenefit.