Saturday, February 7, 2015

Top Benefits Of Eating Breakfast

  1. Energy Boost to Start the Day Everyone should start their day off right by eating as many vitamins and other nutrients as possible. The great thing about breakfast is there are so many common breakfast foods that can be considered super-foods because of their nutrition value: Eggs: Including an egg or two for breakfast may require a few extra minutes of preparation time, but the potential health benefits make them worth cooking and eating. Not only are eggs packed with protein and amino acids, they are also one of the few, significant sources of vitamin D, which is important for absorbing calcium for stronger bones. Whole grains: Whether you are taking them in the form of bread, cereal or oatmeal, breakfast is one of the best times to enjoy whole grains in your meal. This super-food is a great source of fiber, which is essential for a healthy heart and digestive tract, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Vitamin C: You can hit your daily intake of vitamin C in your very first meal of the day, whether it's in the form of a juice or solid fruit. Oranges, grapefruits and apples are common fruits on the breakfast table. 
  2. Breakfast Helps Reduce Morning Crankiness Feeling cranky during the morning is understandable - you probably wanted to stay in bed for a few extra winks, you don't feel like going to work, and what most people forget, you're starving! Imagine going without food for 8 to 12 hours during the day; you probably won't be the most approachable person in the office or classroom. Do yourself, your classmates and your co-workers a favor by eating breakfast to help you deal with any morning moodiness and stress.
  3. Metabolism Boost When you sleep, your metabolism tends to slow down. The only way to jump start your metabolism for the day is to start off right with a healthy breakfast. This will allow your body to start burning through calories from the very beginning of the day, rather than in the middle of it after you've eaten lunch.